Sunday, June 16, 2013

Turkish Revolution Police Brutality - Istanbul Taksim #OccupyGezi

Kanlarını ve gözyaşlarını feda edenlerin onuruna. (TR)
Dedicated to all who shed there blood and tears. (ENG)
Denen gewidmet die ihr Blut und ihre Tränen vergossen haben. (D)


Sosyal platformlardan seçimiş videolar,
1. ve 2. haziran 2013 türkiyede

Collection of videos from different social medias,
taken on 1. and 2. june 2013 in Turkey 

Sammlung von Videos aus div. sozialen Plattformen
vom 1. und 2. Juni 2013 in der Türkei


#occupygezi #direngeziparkı 
Direniş, Turkish Revolution, Resistanbul, Occupy Gezi Park Turkey

Thanks to all who uploaded and shared there videos and fotos.
Press For Truth !
Please share this video.

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