Wednesday, June 19, 2013

10 Disturbing Tales From Side Streets and Dark Alleys of America

Every night Americans prove that they are willing to do absolutely horrible things to their fellow human beings.  Most of the time, we never even hear about the sick and twisted things that happen on the side streets and dark alleys of America.  Once in a while a particularly twisted story will get picked up by the news, but usually most Americans are pretty much able to isolate themselves from the depravity that is happening all around them.  
Unfortunately, the social decay that is eating away at our society like cancer is spreading.  It is getting harder and harder for average Americans to keep the darkness at bay.  When it suddenly reaches out and touches your family, it can be absolutely shocking.  America is not the kind, loving and gentle place that is portrayed in our movies and on our television shows.  
The sad truth is that America is becoming colder and meaner with each passing day.  There are definitely some Americans that are kind and compassionate, but they are in the minority.  As our economic decline becomes even more severe, the hearts of even more Americans are going to grow cold.  And people with cold hearts can do some absolutely terrible things. 
The following are 10 disturbing tales from the side streets and dark alleys of America...
#1 Beaten, Robbed And Left Naked In A Cow Pasture In Florida
A Florida man says that a first dated ended with him being beaten, forced to strip at gun point, robbed and then left in a cow pasture.
A Flagler County Sheriff’s Office case report obtained by NBC News indicated that 34-year-old Shaun Paul Williams was found naked and bloodied on State Road 100 in Bunnell. Williams told deputies that he had met a woman named “Tree” about two weeks ago in Dayton and agreed to go out on June 14.
When the woman picked him up on Friday, he discovered that two other men we also inside the vehicle. The woman explained that one of the men was her brother. She said that she needed to drop the men off at the brother’s home.
But instead of going to a home, the brother instructed the woman to stop at an “empty cow pasture.” Williams said that he exited the vehicle to urinate and was struck in the head with a “hard metal object.”
“Give me all your money and your clothes,” one of the men told him.
#2 Wendy's Customer Totally Loses It When They Put Cheese On His Hamburger
In recent months there have been a lot of videos posted on YouTube of crazed people yelling wildly at employees of various fast food chains.  The most recent example of this phenomenon to go viral is a video of a middle-aged man totally losing it after he discovered that Wendy's employees had put cheese on his hamburger.  This is yet another example of how seemingly average people in America are becoming consumed with anger and frustration.
#3 Women Throwing Bleach Into The Eyes Of A Man On A City Bus In Boston
MBTA Police are searching for three young women who they say threw bleach in the eyes of a bus passenger after robbing him of his money.
The victim was returning home from work early Sunday morning, riding the #28 bus on Blue Hill Avenue through Roxbury, when it seems the trio sized him up.
Officials say one female slapped the man about the head, while one went to work to search him for money.
“One of the women puts her knee on top of his legs so he can’t get up and takes the money from his pockets,” MBTA Superintendent-in Chief Joseph O’Connor told WBZ-TV.
#4 The Wild Dogs Of St. Louis
Dangerous dogs are becoming more of a problem in parts of north St. Louis County.
It’s so bad, some people say they’re afraid to go out for a morning jog.
Resident Carolyn Immer says she was attacked and now has a hole in her leg.
“I felt like I was out in the middle of nowhere and there was nobody around to help,” Immer says. “I was screaming for a long time – it seemed like a long time lets put it that way.”
#5 Homeless In Dallas
So as of today I am officially homeless.
I won't bore you all with long sob stories.
About a year ago lost my job of twelve years, couldn't find new work, made some bad financial choices, and today I sit in the public library on my old laptop typing away as all my posessions lay in three small suitcases very close to where I am sitting.
I think this might possibly be the worst place to be homless, given the horrible heat.
So I have seventy-five cents to my name, am not sure where I'll be putting my head down to sleep tonight, and was wondering if anyone else out there has been in a similar prediciment.
#6 Detroit - Dumping Ground For The Dead
From the street, the two decomposing bodies were nearly invisible, concealed in an overgrown lot alongside worn-out car tires and a mouldy sofa. The teenagers had been shot, stripped to their underwear and left on a deserted block.
They were just the latest victims of foul play whose remains went undiscovered for days after being hidden deep inside Detroit's vast urban wilderness — a crumbling wasteland rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police.
Abandoned and neglected parts of the city are quickly becoming dumping grounds for the dead — at least a dozen bodies in the space of 12 months. And authorities acknowledge there is little they can do.
#7 Impaled On A Wrought Iron Fence In Chicago
A man was murdered Sunday night by someone who struck him in the head, causing him to become impaled on a wrought iron fence in the South Side Burnside neighborhood.
The 48-year-old victim was involved in a dispute with unknown individuals near his home in the 9100 block of South Greenwood Avenue about 8 p.m. Sunday when a male struck him in the head, police said.
The victim’s head was then impaled by a wrought iron fence near the eye, police said. He then fell to the ground and struck his head again.
#8 Robbery Victims Locked In The Trunks Of Their Own Vehicles In North Miami
CBS4 has learned of a horrible crime that has happened four times in the past two months in the city of North Miami. Gunmen have been forcing robbery victims in to the trunks of their cars while trying to get cash.
North Miami Police Major Neal Cuevas says he is worried about “copycat criminals” who may one day take a life.
One victim is speaking out exclusively to CBS4’s Peter D’Oench after being driven around in the trunk of his Mercedes Benz for two hours on Wednesday night. He was abducted at 8 p.m. while leaving his job and was finally rescued by police at 10 p.m. after discovering he had a cell phone in his trunk and after calling 911.
#9 Female Teacher Has Sex With Three Students In Oregon
A Sherwood High School teacher has been arrested and faces sexual abuse charges, stemming from accusations of sexual contact with at least three students.
A grand jury indicted Denise Keesee, 38, Monday on six counts of second-degree sexual abuse, according to the Washington County Sheriff's office. Keesee turned herself in this evening, said Sgt. David Thompson, a sheriff's office spokesman.
#10 A Police Officer That Shot Five Kittens While Children Were Watching
The Ohio Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals wants Humane Officer Barry Accorti fired for allegedly shooting five kittens in a home's back yard on Monday.
Accorti responded to a home Monday afternoon where a feral mother cat and her five kittens were living in a woodpile.
He allegedly told the homeowner that shelters were full and that the cats would be going to kitty heaven. He then pulled out his gun and shot the five, 8- to 10-week-old kittens.
Accorti allegedly told the homeowner that he isn't supposed to do this, but it was justifiable. The woman ran into the house to shield her children, who were screaming and crying.

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